Me me me.
Blogs are one of the truly remarkable innovations of the web. Completely original and totally unlike anything else that came before. Sure, there were advice columns and other vacuous irrelevancies in papers and mags for decades, but it was always with a certain literary bare-minimum. A low bar to be sure, but a bar none-the-less.
Now, bloggers can splatter the net with misinformation disguised as news. Clog the 'tubes' with meaningless banter about more-or-less nothing and otherwise slowly devolve the human mind into a stream of catch phrases and self-centered drivel.
So, of course, I had to jump on that band wagon like people following around political hopefuls used to jump on those hopeful's band wagons.
So who the fuck am I?
You can call me Peter Valentine if you've read Ender's Game. If you haven't, you can just call me DampeS8N, and I'm here to poke fun at myself for thinking this whole crazy universe up.
Don't think I did? Prove it.
Otherwise, sit back and enjoy the ride. And hit the toilet now, 'cause this band wagon don't stop for shit breaks.
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Nov 9, 2008
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